During the t`ang dynasty the Tale of the Marvelous(ch`uanch`i) became an identifiable literary form that attracted the lected in anthologies with titles like Record of the Occult and Bizarre vels传奇,this last having become the accepted ageneric label for all these stores. All these titles emphasize the unusual nature of the occurence which provides the plot; yet while few of the stories are free presented as tall tales or ghost stories that deliberately challenge belief. The author appears anxious rather to persuade us that we are reading about an actual occurrence, and he often makes an effort to establish the credentials of his tale by anchoring it in the experience of a narrator. It is rarely told in the first person throughout, but at make a generalization or to moralize for the author ot in the author's own name: "Alas, that a singing girl could be capable of virtuous conduct not even surpassed by the exemplary women of antiquity! Who can fail to sigh in admiratoring? "He may conclude by giving the cicumstances under which he heartd the story and how he came to write it down:
"My great-uncle was at one time Governor of Chin-chou, then transferred to the Ministry of Finance,before becoming Transport Officer. In all three poasts he succeeded this young man, and so came to have some knowledge of his affairs. During the Chen-yuan period(785-804),I was discussing with[Li] Kung-tso of Lung-hsi the quality of loyalty in women, and so came
to recount the story of [the lady of Chien-kuo. Kung-tso listened appre-ciatively and attentively and asked me to write it down. So I have taken my brush and wetted it in ink to preserve the sotry in its rough outline. The time is autumn, the eighth month of the year i-hai(795). Po Hsing-chien, of T"ai-yuan."
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