

Despite of not having much of Chinese feature, the Lujiazui Financial Center is very Shanghaish with the landmark buildings (of Shanghai), which enables us to experience the fast-paced life in Shanghai.
第1个回答  2013-06-26
“ Lujiazui, the financial center, although doesn't have too much Chinese characteristics, it is very Shanghai style with landmark buildings of Shanghai, which can let everyone feel the rapid life pace in the city."

第2个回答  2013-06-26
Lujiazui financial center, although not too many Chinese characteristics, but very Shanghai, a landmark building in
Shanghai, also let
you feel Shanghai's
rapid pace of
第3个回答  2013-06-26
Though lacking distinct Chinese characteristics, LJZ Financial center is very "Shanghaistic" in that it has Shanghai's landmark buildings and gives people a sense of Shanghai‘s fast-paced life.
第4个回答  2013-06-26
In the financial center of Lujiazui,though there are not so many chinese traits,it's typical of Shanghai,there stand many landmark buildings of Shanghai,and it can also gives people a feeling of the fast pace of people's life in Shanghai.
第5个回答  2013-06-26
Lujiazui Financial Center is very Shanghai with the typical Shanghai buildings,, though not so many Chinese feathers can be found there. THe rapid pace of life can be aldo felt there.