、人鬼情未了-Righteous Brothers Unchained melody 2、我心永恒-Celine Dion My heart will go on 3、爱你在心口难开-Leo Sayer I love you more than I can say 4、昨日重现-Carpenters Yesterday once more 5、说你说我-Lioned Richie Say you say me 6、我将永远爱你-Whitney Houstoney I will always love you 7、卡萨布兰卡-Berite Higgins Casablanca 8、莫斯科郊外的晚上 9、无心快语-Wham Careless whisper 10、寂静之声-Simon&Garunkel The sound of silence
英文歌曲那么多,哪来十大经典英文歌曲啊 you are not alone as long as you love me god is a girl yesterday once more lonely pretty boy big big world the day you went away my heart will go on Hotel California
第2个回答 2012-03-19
保镖-奔向你,人鬼情未了-奔放的旋律,四个婚礼一个葬礼-坠入爱河,魂断蓝桥-友谊地久天长,廊桥遗梦-此情永不移,壮志凌云-带走我的呼吸(Take my breath away),我将永远爱你(I will always love you),昨日重现(yesterday once more ),说你说我(say you say me),卡萨布兰卡(casablanca).