第5个回答 2010-10-24
百度知道 > 生活 > 保健养生添加到搜藏已解决
介绍某种物品(说明文)500 可以介绍蔬菜、水果等等。
悬赏分:5 - 解决时间:2010-10-19 21:50
提问者: QQ宝贝35 - 二级最佳答案苹果说明文
苹果是一种大家都熟悉的水果,它胖乎乎的, 全身有一种丰收的红色。把它拿在手里它会轻轻地贴着你的手掌,当你从千千万万棵苹果树中选择了它时,这对它来说就是一种幸福 它能给人们带来甜美的滋味,这就是它最大的幸福,苹果,是生长在北方的一种水果。成语"硕果累累"指的就是它。当每每走过一片苹果林时,它诱人的味道就会伴着微风进入你的鼻孔乃至全身,久违的舒畅感会从你那深埋已久的神经中迸发而出。还有什么比这更轻松的事情呢?下面就让我来介绍一下苹果吧!
苹果喜光,喜微酸性到中性土壤。最适于土层深厚,富含有机质,心土通气排水良好的沙质土壤。有超过 7,500个已知品种。良种:“红星系列”,“红富士”,“乔纳森”等等。除鲜食的品种外,尚有烹调用的苹果。由于苹果的果酸有保持水份的作用,适宜烤焗。 苹果含有大量的果胶,这种可溶性纤维质可以降低胆固醇及坏胆固醇。还可以控制哮喘及慢性阻塞性肺炎等病症。 。 苹果对于增强儿童的记忆力有着特殊的作用。苹果中不但含有多种维生素、脂质、矿物质、糖类等构成大脑所必需的营养成分,而且含有利于儿童生长发育的细纤维和能增强儿童记忆力的锌。锌是构成和记忆力息息相关的核酸与蛋白的必不可少的元素,缺锌会使大脑皮层边缘部海马区发育不良。食物中的锌一旦减少,儿童的记忆力和学习能力就会受到严重损害,这种损害可持续到成年。为了使儿童的记忆力良好,应让儿童多吃苹果。
92回答者: 紫冰莹莹 - 一级 2010-10-13 20:28
• 说明文450字以上(最好不要写水果蔬菜) 93 2009-11-10
• 一个水果或蔬菜的说明文,急! 51 2009-11-14
• 蔬菜、水果、玩具、文具、电器说明文300-400 266 2009-10-29
• 介绍一种物品(蔬菜,水果,玩具类)400字以上 2008-11-1
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其他回答 共 5 条
回答者: cxamm0401 - 二级 2010-10-13 18:03
My desk
My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it was "natural" is made without any processing). Top the bottom is a thick and narrow-English dictionary, turn seem particularly demanding, word era of small yellow paper a long time, are standard displayed in the museum complex. Gyroscope in the middle are some from the middle to high school textbooks, Xinjiuchengdu from their point of view, enough to witness the author of yesterday and the day before yesterday. Gyroscope top-level, is a Miscellanies copies and a CD, from the geographical point of view, this is in the near future the activities of the larger plates, sometimes overlapping, sometimes misplaced, and good plate with self-knowledge, knows not work with desk collision, therefore, even in the most critical moment, it does not always maintain a shake down, rather than risk falling gesture, rather the style of some politicians. Close to the top is two boxes do not know when to pop out of a "time bomb" - a box of the living brain with the prime compound Tai Hing, a box of adduct 100-ning, they are always warning me of the body, do not force them to premature blast . In the "bomb" on the right is a table lamp, yellow lamp shade, black lamp neck, yellow lamp holder, black knob, standard lead hearse colors, shining on me every night, so I always keep in mind that the Guixi a great man, and then on the right a little, there is a call I do not know what the furnishings. Above, there are crystal globe, clock, pen loops and business card holder; just get it back, the entire decoration a dazzling metallic luster, look magnificent, eye-catching is pressing, but after a long, in addition there is a trace of crystal globe gloss, the rest of the gold all dim down. When to see it, with a total reminds me of those corrupt elements from the light into the dark fate very Jie Qi. Setting the right is a pen and filled a number of teams could not write any color pen, pencil, ball pen, a time when nothing is used to cast the play, and fall when the pen has never worried about whether there will be an off-color Loumo etc. series of questions, let me played with confidence, with very comfortable. In the most far right upper desk (can coordinate axis), there is a pile with the top overlooking the Staring into the distance, looking books. Only into the shape of the "Hill" and is not a gyro. The top of the hill there are 3 CD, than the top of the obvious advantages have been much greater. Introduced the following major items the desk, and some minor, such as clear plastic, waste paper, watches, cups, refill, correction fluid, pictures, etc., etc., which will also play a role in filling the desk for its has achieved a lot of clutter. As everyone said good, disorder is a kind of beauty, like desks often beautiful, Sheng This is not bad
回答者: 120.40.134.* 2010-10-13 19:11
苹果是一种大家都熟悉的水果,它胖乎乎的, 全身有一种丰收的红色。把它拿在手里它会轻轻地贴着你的手掌,当你从千千万万棵苹果树中选择了它时,这对它来说就是一种幸福 它能给人们带来甜美的滋味,这就是它最大的幸福,苹果,是生长在北方的一种水果。成语"硕果累累"指的就是它。当每每走过一片苹果林时,它诱人的味道就会伴着微风进入你的鼻孔乃至全身,久违的舒畅感会从你那深埋已久的神经中迸发而出。还有什么比这更轻松的事情呢?下面就让我来介绍一下苹果吧!
苹果喜光,喜微酸性到中性土壤。最适于土层深厚,富含有机质,心土通气排水良好的沙质土壤。有超过 7,500个已知品种。良种:“红星系列”,“红富士”,“乔纳森”等等。除鲜食的品种外,尚有烹调用的苹果。由于苹果的果酸有保持水份的作用,适宜烤焗。 苹果含有大量的果胶,这种可溶性纤维质可以降低胆固醇及坏胆固醇。还可以控制哮喘及慢性阻塞性肺炎等病症。 。 苹果对于增强儿童的记忆力有着特殊的作用。苹果中不但含有多种维生素、脂质、矿物质、糖类等构成大脑所必需的营养成分,而且含有利于儿童生长发育的细纤维和能增强儿童记忆力的锌。锌是构成和记忆力息息相关的核酸与蛋白的必不可少的元素,缺锌会使大脑皮层边缘部海马区发育不良。食物中的锌一旦减少,儿童的记忆力和学习能力就会受到严重损害,这种损害可持续到成年。为了使儿童的记忆力良好,应让儿童多吃苹果。
回答者: hhhhtgg - 二级 2010-10-13 20:05
回答者: 123.129.109.* 2010-10-14 20:03
My desk
My desk is filled with chaotic things: In the upper left corner of the desk, there is a quartet built gyro-shaped pile of books (first affirmed that it was "natural" is made without any processing). Top the bottom is a thick and narrow-English dictionary, turn seem particularly demanding, word era of small yellow paper a long time, are standard displayed in the museum complex. Gyroscope in the middle are some from the middle to high school textbooks, Xinjiuchengdu from their point of view, enough to witness the author of yesterday and the day before yesterday. Gyroscope top-level, is a Miscellanies copies and a CD, from the geographical point of view, this is in the near future the activities of the larger plates, sometimes overlapping, sometimes misplaced, and good plate with self-knowledge, knows not work with desk collision, therefore, even in the most critical moment, it does not always maintain a shake down, rather than risk falling gesture, rather the style of some politicians. Close to the top is two boxes do not know when to pop out of a "time bomb" - a box of the living brain with the prime compound Tai Hing, a box of adduct 100-ning, they are always warning me of the body, do not force them to premature blast . In the "bomb" on the right is a table lamp, yellow lamp shade, black lamp neck, yellow lamp holder, black knob, standard lead hearse colors, shining on me every night, so I always keep in mind that the Guixi a great man, and then on the right a little, there is a call I do not know what the furnishings. Above, there are crystal globe, clock, pen loops and business card holder; just get it back, the entire decoration a dazzling metallic luster, look magnificent, eye-catching is pressing, but after a long, in addition there is a trace of crystal globe gloss, the rest of the gold all dim down. When to see it, with a total reminds me of those corrupt elements from the light into the dark fate very Jie Qi. Setting the right is a pen and filled a number of teams could not write any color pen, pencil, ball pen, a time when nothing is used to cast the play, and fall when the pen has never worried about whether there will be an off-color Loumo etc. series of questions, let me played with confidence, with very comfortable. In the most far right upper desk (can coordinate axis), there is a pile with the top overlooking the Staring into the distance, looking books. Only into the shape of the "Hill" and is not a gyro. The top of the hill there are 3 CD, than the top of the obvious advantages have been much greater. Introduced the following major items the desk, and some minor, such as clear plastic, waste paper, watches, cups, refill, correction fluid, pictures, etc., etc., which will also play a role in filling the desk for its has achieved a lot of clutter. As everyone said good, disorder is a kind of beauty, like desks often beautiful, Sheng This is not bad