
Do you want to be funny?Okay,the first thing you need to do is to relax.No one's going to throw tomatoes at you if you fail to make other laugh,and you're not going for a hard test. You just want to add some fun to your life and conversations,and appear more easygoing .So don't put so much pressure on yourself.
Don't take thing too seriously.Ease up on life and yourself, get used to taking things with a grain of salt. See the humor in situations, you'll see that most situations ,even getting a $200 speeding ticket or slipping over on a banana peel ,have humor written all over them---the trick is finding them and being able to laugn at yourself
You can't be funny if you don't have any references or material .The broader your general knowledge is,the easier you'll become funny. so the more you know about films. TV programs ,music ,and everything about pop cultures, the greater the chance of being funny is. Broaden your horizons and stay up to date with current events in the news.
Find your style. Aviud unutatubf actirs and comedians because it may not suit your style. If you're not a verysarcastic person ,it makes it hard to imitate someone like Chandaler from Friends.If you're rather quiet ,it will be nearly impossible to take on RobinWilliams' or Jim Carrey's humor
Have a joke pool.You never know when a situation calls for a joke ,like if you're at a boring party,chatting with some acquaintances. Humor yourself with a joke a ones you like best in mind .That way ,you'll always have several in stock for when the time is right


第1个回答  2011-06-22