

第1个回答  2024-06-22
How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Our Lives
Artificial intelligence is advancing at an unprecedented pace. I believe that one day, it will become as integral to our lives as mobile phones, cars, and homes. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we live.
Firstly, AI could eliminate the need for household chores. Robots could take over tasks such as washing dishes, vacuuming, and making beds.
Secondly, AI could evolve into sophisticated search engines, similar to Google or Baidu. When faced with queries, these AI assistants would provide appropriate answers.
Thirdly, the concept of attending school may change, with students potentially learning from AI-driven robots at home.
Fourthly, AI's application in warfare could make the world more dangerous than ever before, which is a concerning aspect of its development.
Finally, it is possible that in the future, AI could even form emotional connections with humans and assist in childbirth.
I anticipate that the era of AI is fast approaching.